Tuesday, April 26
No more youtubes for me-- VidMeUp might work better.
I'm not signing or renewing any more URL's or domain names. The domain name industry has been destroyed in my view. I'll never use twitter or facebook again either-- they're useless. I'm very unhappy with google and even blogger for different reasons. My MacG4 is way out of date, my browser constantly is indicated as being out of date. I'm just really unhappy with the entire Mac experience now. It's all useless... pointless. They've all destroyed themselves. I'm now getting zero hits on this blog due to my non-renewal of my domain-- nothing is re-routed or forwarded. Here's my first upload to VidMeUp... a possible alternative... lets see if the embed works.
Youtube - it's over
Monday, April 25
Sunday, April 24
Rick's Popcorn Playlist for Sun. April 25, 2016
A "popcorn playlist" is a Youtube playlist that features a wide variety of videos selected by one editor, in this case, me-- Rick Potvin. I call it a popcorn playlist because it's suitable for sitting back to watch while eating popcorn-- much like a movie in a theatre or home. It's an alternative to those things.
Of course, the movie can be advanced by skipping over certain videos on the playlist by clicking the advance arrow. Or a selected video can be seen by using the drop down menu. Neither of those can be done with a remote control yet but Rick invites the TV industry to study his idea for upgrades to that this can be done.
Rick's popcorn playlist is not intended for viewers who are walking around with video-enabled smartphones. It is possible however to watch an internet enabled ipad propped up at the foot of the bed before sleeping. In fact, Rick includes late night Coast to Coast talk shows by Noori and Bell about ancient aliens at the end of the popcorn playlist for the viewer's late night listening experience. Another term for this method might be "video deejay".
Of course, the movie can be advanced by skipping over certain videos on the playlist by clicking the advance arrow. Or a selected video can be seen by using the drop down menu. Neither of those can be done with a remote control yet but Rick invites the TV industry to study his idea for upgrades to that this can be done.
Rick's popcorn playlist is not intended for viewers who are walking around with video-enabled smartphones. It is possible however to watch an internet enabled ipad propped up at the foot of the bed before sleeping. In fact, Rick includes late night Coast to Coast talk shows by Noori and Bell about ancient aliens at the end of the popcorn playlist for the viewer's late night listening experience. Another term for this method might be "video deejay".
Friday, April 22
Rick's Youtube TV Show for Friday evening April 22, 2016.
Grab some popcorn... and sit back (or click forward) & enjoy the following playlist of Rick "Popcorn" Potvin's selected Youtube videos.
Oriented toward music and piano in particular, Rick Popcorn's Playlists are "edutaining" as in "edutainment" with an eye on education as well as entertainment.
Rick Popcorn leaves his own playlists running on in the background of his own office and home so that he can catch random selections that he may not have watched while composing the playlist. It's a step toward replacing MSM TV programming.
Rick and Dorothy's piano playing videos might be temporarily interrupted since Youtube no longer accepts uploads from Rick for some unexplainable reason. There will be a continuation of piano edutainment "lessons" included in upcoming playlists however until the problem is resolved.
Oriented toward music and piano in particular, Rick Popcorn's Playlists are "edutaining" as in "edutainment" with an eye on education as well as entertainment.
Rick Popcorn leaves his own playlists running on in the background of his own office and home so that he can catch random selections that he may not have watched while composing the playlist. It's a step toward replacing MSM TV programming.
Rick and Dorothy's piano playing videos might be temporarily interrupted since Youtube no longer accepts uploads from Rick for some unexplainable reason. There will be a continuation of piano edutainment "lessons" included in upcoming playlists however until the problem is resolved.
Rick Potvin's Playlist for Fri., April 22, 2016 -- Piano lessons and more.
Rick says... This is an experiment. My intention is to create piano lessons of both instructional and inspirational value AND to look at what else is going on in music and even pop culture in general. We'll see how it goes. I'll list the videos at the top, first, and you can either watch them all the way through using the automatic advance on your browser or you can click ahead using the drop-down menu on the Youtube box or the advance arrows. Here is a list briefly describing them.
1. Piano student plays "Part of Me" by Katy Perry on big old upright piano-- does a good job.
2. Wait... Katy Perry's original video "Part of Me" seems like propaganda enticing women to be soldiers....
3. Let's looks at a real fight scene in Afghanistan to contrast with the sanitized posing with machine guns by Katy Perry-- maybe war isn't so glorious as Katy Perry seems to be saying.
4. A frightful video of children being used in a perversion of Snow White.
5. Another frightful video of the same dance school brainwashing female children addressing husband.
6. The real story behind Sodom & Gamorrah involving ancient aliens.
7. Alex Jones & David Knight discuss open borders, illegal Mexicans pouring in & North American Union... all planned by the NWO. Rick says-- this is part of the plan by Enlil as Gerald Clark points out as he attempts to depopulate the world before Enki takes over in the Age of Aquarius. 20 min.
8. Micheal Chertoff, head of Homeland Security in 2009, compares 9/11 Truth to Holocaust denial and the theory that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. Chertoff says planes went into the buildings and says denying that is like Holocaust Denial and Obama Hawaii birth denial. [8 minutes].
9. Anything is funny when watched with Yakkety Sax played with it. Here are scences from 9/11 with Yakkety Sax. Rick's own view is that 9/11 was a video hoax. Nobody died on 9/11 and no planes crashed into buildings. See for more on this.
10. Connie Chung, a famous TV news documentary & intereviewer in the 1980s and 1990's sings Thanks for the Memories while sitting on a piano but the piano player isn't playing.
11. David Letterman interviews Connie Chung in 1989.
12. INSTRUMISSION: Piano score and music for Goodbye Rag, 1920. Notice that the music has no chords written above but the entire thing had to have been composed with the chord progressions in mind-- along with the piano plan in sections A, B and C. You never see that on the finalized score which effectively becomes dumbed down.
13. Ted Cruz's father was an associate of Lee Harvey Oswald.
14. PRINCE death is a hoax.
15. Sean Hannity blows up at Ted Cruz for denying that the delegate process is confusing.
16. Flesh eating disease entering USA via Syrian "refugees".
flesh eating disease syrians us - YouTube
17, Alex Jones interviews Roger Stone, starting with a video backdrop to Trump's Allegory of the Snake.
18. John Cleese talks about political correctness and being offensive to people.
John Cleese: Political Correctness Can Lead to an Orwellian Nightmare - YouTube
19, John Cleese is interviewed by Bill Maher.
John Cleese - You can’t make jokes about muslims because they will kill you - YouTube
20. Muslim refugee refuses to pay fee to ride the bus in Sweden.
Muslim "Refugee" demands to be allowed to ride the bus without paying the fare - YouTube
21. Beethoven's Ode to Joy - a Kazoo Concerto version
Kazoo Solo - The Ode to Joy by Beethoven - YouTube
22. Kazoo lead with guitar background.
Yakety Kazoo - YouTube
23. China currency manipulation and trade deficit with US. []
China's Currency Manipulation is Harming America. Fair Trade Would Restore US Jobs and Prosperity - YouTube
8. Micheal Chertoff, head of Homeland Security in 2009, compares 9/11 Truth to Holocaust denial and the theory that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. Chertoff says planes went into the buildings and says denying that is like Holocaust Denial and Obama Hawaii birth denial. [8 minutes].
9. Anything is funny when watched with Yakkety Sax played with it. Here are scences from 9/11 with Yakkety Sax. Rick's own view is that 9/11 was a video hoax. Nobody died on 9/11 and no planes crashed into buildings. See for more on this.
10. Connie Chung, a famous TV news documentary & intereviewer in the 1980s and 1990's sings Thanks for the Memories while sitting on a piano but the piano player isn't playing.
11. David Letterman interviews Connie Chung in 1989.
12. INSTRUMISSION: Piano score and music for Goodbye Rag, 1920. Notice that the music has no chords written above but the entire thing had to have been composed with the chord progressions in mind-- along with the piano plan in sections A, B and C. You never see that on the finalized score which effectively becomes dumbed down.
13. Ted Cruz's father was an associate of Lee Harvey Oswald.
14. PRINCE death is a hoax.
15. Sean Hannity blows up at Ted Cruz for denying that the delegate process is confusing.
16. Flesh eating disease entering USA via Syrian "refugees".
flesh eating disease syrians us - YouTube
17, Alex Jones interviews Roger Stone, starting with a video backdrop to Trump's Allegory of the Snake.
18. John Cleese talks about political correctness and being offensive to people.
John Cleese: Political Correctness Can Lead to an Orwellian Nightmare - YouTube
19, John Cleese is interviewed by Bill Maher.
John Cleese - You can’t make jokes about muslims because they will kill you - YouTube
20. Muslim refugee refuses to pay fee to ride the bus in Sweden.
Muslim "Refugee" demands to be allowed to ride the bus without paying the fare - YouTube
21. Beethoven's Ode to Joy - a Kazoo Concerto version
Kazoo Solo - The Ode to Joy by Beethoven - YouTube
22. Kazoo lead with guitar background.
Yakety Kazoo - YouTube
23. China currency manipulation and trade deficit with US. []
China's Currency Manipulation is Harming America. Fair Trade Would Restore US Jobs and Prosperity - YouTube
Playlist for 16-04-22
Thursday, April 21
Rick & Dorothy use Schaum Exercises for piano -- same note in right and left hand.
Rick and Dorothy have started using the big note Schaum exercise books to help students play and read at the same time-- in a way that "conditions" their senses to force hand-eye coordination to happen in a way that is relatively easy due to pattern-making. Here's an example played by Macy.
Rick says-- I don't have a precise source for the Schaum books I recommend right now but here's a google start to the search. The Schaum series works better for all my students than the Hanon ever did. It's because Schaum is typeset bigger and starts out with very easy simple patterns. Hanon and Czerny dive too deep too quick. If you're a piano instructor, you would do well to research this Schaum series thoroughly. If you're a national chain of music stores trying to create a program, consider Schaum.
schaum piano exercise - Google Search
Rick's grandfather on his dad's side was Joe Potvin who ran railway engines in Quebec and Ontario from about 1920 through 1960 or so. He always wore his engineer's cap. He's seen here in retirement in 1975. I guess he must have been a hunter too because the family knew him as "trapper Joe".
Rick says-- I don't have a precise source for the Schaum books I recommend right now but here's a google start to the search. The Schaum series works better for all my students than the Hanon ever did. It's because Schaum is typeset bigger and starts out with very easy simple patterns. Hanon and Czerny dive too deep too quick. If you're a piano instructor, you would do well to research this Schaum series thoroughly. If you're a national chain of music stores trying to create a program, consider Schaum.
schaum piano exercise - Google Search
Rick's grandfather on his dad's side was Joe Potvin who ran railway engines in Quebec and Ontario from about 1920 through 1960 or so. He always wore his engineer's cap. He's seen here in retirement in 1975. I guess he must have been a hunter too because the family knew him as "trapper Joe".
TRUMP Dorothy & Rick have been watching Trump every morning during breakfast for the past year. He's right about a lot of things. Here's his latest pep rally in Harrisburg.
We teach piano WITH vocal-- not simply piano.
Here's an example of a student playing classical Bach vocal with piano -- together. We teach piano but prefers to instruct on both piano AND vocal along with percussion if possible. This particular song, a famous one by Bach from the Renaissance period of Europe but timeless, is one I added to my teaching roster. The only thing that I would add to Ashley's perforance is a electronic vocal pitch corrector since her voice wavers a bit on this difficult-to-sing piece. I would never instruct vocal without a pitch corrector.
Tuesday, April 19
I met David Bowie in my lucid dream tunnel last night.

Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five,
This is Ground Control to Major Tom
You've really made the grade
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare
"This is Major Tom to Ground Control
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today
For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do
Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell my wife I love her very much she knows"
Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you....
Far above the Moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do."
Tuesday, April 5
Whole tone health?
- From:
- "Advanced Bionutritionals"
- To:
whole tone health
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