Saturday, December 20

2014-15 Piano Keyboard Vocal Recital for Dorothy's Studio

Live Piano Recitals seem increasingly difficult and costly to organize, especially relative to the power, ease and reach of a Youtube Recital. We used to do them live but lately, we've turned our recitals exclusively into Youtube recordings made one-by-one in our home studio and compiled into Playlists and delivered either by our website address or email to students and their interested relatives. We think it works pretty good. We hope you do too! The playlist that follows will be added to over coming days and weeks to reflect samples of work by some of our students at the end of 2014 and start of 2015. 

List of Performers (to be updated over next few weeks)
Akil and Nikil
Isant, Allan and Nate
Able and Eva
Rick and Dorothy

Summer 2014 [Click here]
Spring 2014  [Sam Ash  Students on Stage]