Monday, November 15
Rick's CD series-- Mid 20th Century Piano-Vocal Standards.
UPDATE Dec. 4, 2021. I finally found a way to convert my quicktime audio to mp3 for mp3 free upload so will try to to that for this latest album. Problem now is the connectors for Canon cams no longer work so need a need one of the replacements... work in progress... then will upload PDF of the music. Guitar Center collapsed underneath me by obeying the orders of the covid-crazies.... and zoom goes through China so that's no good-- and even wouldn't work if it was US based. .... Entire new way of transferring musical skills-- Marshall McLluhan would have enjoyed this!!! Maybe I'll "channel" him tonight, haha.
UPDATE Dec. 7, 2021. CD's are being recieved by those mailed to. I'll likely upload the full CD pages to this blog page then do a link to the MP3 files. The MP3 site I'm usng has limited my free unregistered uploading to 10 minutes, now used up, so I'll have to research that a bit more to see how to increase my time for conversion... and possible hosting. I don't think Blogger (now owned by Google unfortunately) handles MP3 although it tried hosting video awhile back.
UPDATE Dec. 7 evening. I'm attempting to embed an mp3 file here... UPDATE --This mp3 no longer works because it was a hotlink to the original site... which I did not realize I had done. I thought I had uploaded it to this site... to play it here. Now I find out that mp3 files are not supported here so I'll have to find a site where they are, then hotlink to that. Or convert the mp3 to quicktime and upload the quicktime which this site WILL support I think. Until thien, maybe I can simly link with an ordinary link [LIKE THIS]
This is it]
Bugs Bunny theme This Is It]
Monday, November 1
Friday, May 7
Anti-Vax Live! -- to counteract Vax Live! ---- started right here.
Anti-Vax Live!... consisting of nothing my my idea on this blog post right now-- will attempt to counteract the effect of Vax Live! tomorrow May 82021.
FIRST JOB- Make this post appear on search engines
I used to know how to make posts appear on search engine-- but it's been a long time. I'll just have to repost on my other blog for now which seems to get hits here... The post at that forum already has 4 hits in under 5 minutes.... I used to use a function on blogger that allowed search engines to find a post on blogger but I forgot how that goes... If you the reader know how to get hits on a post, help me here and I'll update this blog-page to include as many anti-vax sites AND musicians as possible-- since I'm a musician myself-- laid off by the tyranny obedient Guitar Center corporation...
NEXT-- test the video upload capability here.