Anti-Vax Live!... consisting of nothing my my idea on this blog post right now-- will attempt to counteract the effect of Vax Live! tomorrow May 82021.
FIRST JOB- Make this post appear on search engines
I used to know how to make posts appear on search engine-- but it's been a long time. I'll just have to repost on my other blog for now which seems to get hits here... The post at that forum already has 4 hits in under 5 minutes.... I used to use a function on blogger that allowed search engines to find a post on blogger but I forgot how that goes... If you the reader know how to get hits on a post, help me here and I'll update this blog-page to include as many anti-vax sites AND musicians as possible-- since I'm a musician myself-- laid off by the tyranny obedient Guitar Center corporation...
NEXT-- test the video upload capability here.