Riahd, Saudi Arabia
All over the world, parents stand proudly by their children who recieve awards for playing the piano. When YOU take piano lessons, you're joining a large group of people with common interest in making music and listening to music using the piano as their main instrument. Here is the Saudi Arabia awards ceremony. [12 min]
Prince Bandhar of Saudi Arabia financed a British Company BAE systems to execute the 9/11 attacks against the WTC in 2001. And many of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Most of them are still alive because planes did not fly into the buildings. The little children of Saudi Arabia should know these facts and begin to read Larouche at an early age. Saudi Arabia is currently acting under British orders to help attack Iran in a nuclear world war III. Isn't that nice for the children? No! I do not think so. What would they do with their piano awards in a nuclear war holocaust? The pianos would not play! The children would be dying of radiation and starvation! STOP the Saudi Arabia government from supporting an Israeli attack on Iran!
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