Thursday, November 28

Thanksgiving-- a piano solo by George Winston.

There can be many ways of considering Thanksgiving-- as it's understood in the United States--  and Canada and throughout history before Europeans  settled in North America-- but at least the Pilgrim  settlement in 1623 can act as a conversation starter in your household. From there, the debate can go on-- using google as your guide-- and be sure to have calming music playing in the background-- piano music by George Winston.       

Doing a Youtube search using keywords 'thanksgiving' and 'piano" yields the tune "Thanksgiving" by George Winston. I don't know much about this composer/pianist but in the interest of Thanksgiving today, let's consider Winston's piece-- appropriately named-- and his particular style.

Continued (If you're reading this in email, the video/music is here...) with longer Youtube tracks by George Winston for your background music today...  THANKSGIVING