Wednesday, March 30
Sunday, March 27
"Competitive intelligence"? I wonder what role music plays?
Note the classical music background to this video about competitive intelligence. I'm unable to name it. It sounds mozarty but I can't be certain. Recall the book that promoted Mozart and intelligence a few decades ago. T
competitive intelligence
Friday, March 25
Moving to Music Day at Vista Del Rio
Dorothy and Rick will be leading a group of retirees in assisted living through a series of gentle physical moves using musical instruments like morracas and tamborines to a variety of musical numbers today.

Postscript: Things went very well--- good turnout-- Dorothy led the group fantastically-- and is getting really good at improvising the moves. Compare her to Richard Simmons and Jack LaLanne.
Thursday, March 24
Thank God I'm a Country Boy-- in a piano bar context
As part of our continuing youtube playlist series on songs played at piano bars, worldwide, I've updated the list to include Thank God I'm a Country Boy. Enter the playlist below starting with a bad performance in Vegas and continuing with more performances that are more mockery than fun, I think. There is an interesting chord change in the tune in the second line where the I chord goes to a bVII before dropping to a V. Todays' piano bar audiences don't respond to songs other than the ones specified by the duelling piano cult which took over every single piano on the planet since 1998.
Piano bars - Country Boy
Cheerleading performances are insane, dangerous & abusive.
In a few previous posts, I looked at how hip-hop music is being spread internationally and is being delivered to age-inappropriate audiences in 5th and 6th grades-- and how children are being dressed up as gangsters and taught to perform "moves" in dance groups that are unspeakable. This morning, I continued this research into this cultural disaster by taking a look at what's happening in the so-called "cheerleading" cult where children apply tons of "make-up" and perform dangerous acrobatics. Makow has pointed out that women's make-up has psychoactive elements in it and is essentiallly toxic. This might explain the following insanity....
Child Cheerleaders Compete in High-Stakes, High-Pressure Competitions in TLC Show - YouTube
Child Cheerleaders Compete in High-Stakes, High-Pressure Competitions in TLC Show - YouTube
cheerleading - insanity
Wednesday, March 23
The F chord on guitar
I had occasion to have a student play F on guitar today-- to accompany his sister on piano to the tune of Heart and Soul... as a C- Am-F-G7... and he was unsure how to do F. So here's a video primer on guitar-F.
guitar - F chord
Shocking use of children in adult music/dance roles should be outlawed.
This type of thing will have to be stopped under a Trump presidency....
Rick says... I've just discovered that so-called children's dance ensembles are promoting and teaching young girls-- children-- adult dance moves-- going along with adult music. Youtube is full of stuff like this. Molly Long in Orange County CA is a major offender. That studio should be shut down. This kind of thing was relegated to age 19+ where I grew up and to see it in this age group-- clearly children-- is truly demonic beyond anything I've thought possible in America. Parents of these girls should be arrested for abuse. It's quite possible that international anti-child slavery laws could be the handle that shuts this thing down. Someone once said that the only thing needed for evil to succeed is lack of resistance... or something to that effect. So I would offer my public resistance to whatever the heck this is.

Rick says... I've just discovered that so-called children's dance ensembles are promoting and teaching young girls-- children-- adult dance moves-- going along with adult music. Youtube is full of stuff like this. Molly Long in Orange County CA is a major offender. That studio should be shut down. This kind of thing was relegated to age 19+ where I grew up and to see it in this age group-- clearly children-- is truly demonic beyond anything I've thought possible in America. Parents of these girls should be arrested for abuse. It's quite possible that international anti-child slavery laws could be the handle that shuts this thing down. Someone once said that the only thing needed for evil to succeed is lack of resistance... or something to that effect. So I would offer my public resistance to whatever the heck this is.

children dance
Sunday, March 20
Under the Boardwalk is being done at piano bars worldwide.
I continue my study playlist of standard rock tunes being done at piano bars on cruise ships and piano bars around the world with Under the Boardwalk. This is definitely a cleaner song for the younger kids who take piano lessons than some of the hip-hop they're being subject to so I'll be adding an easy piano version of it to my lesson program both privately and at my Guitar Center studio.
Under the Boardwalk
Saturday, March 19
Friday, March 18
Piano bars use Rocky Top as one of their rock hymns.
My rock piano bar playlist continues this morning with Rocky Top. I've included a few other places in which Rocky Top is being used-- it's very odd to see but it is what it is, I guess. Dorothy and me will include Rocky Top in our upcoming retirement residence piano-hour concerts and at Hibachi.
Rock top
Thursday, March 17
Original Jerry Lee Lewis Great Balls of Fire Millie Vallinied.
All the videos of original rock tunes now available on Youtube appear to be lip synched like Millie Vanillie which created a scandal in the 80's I think. Here's Jerry Lee Lewis lip synching his own studio recording of Great Balls of Fire. People in the music industry that I point this out to accept it as "normal" but I'm appalled. This is unacceptable. Note the guitarist in the video with absolutely no cords or amps. Jerry has no mic. This is ridiculous. These old videos that predate MTV by decades ALWAYS recorded this way and aside from the fact that I didn't even know they existed until Youtube, they're phony. I much prefer video/audio that's real and live over this type of thing. I'm well known on the internet for pointing out fakery in today's news so finding it in the history of music is a piece of cake for me now.
Great Ball of Fire
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Background on St. Patrick's Day
The few historical certainties of the life of St. Patrick
are not incidents or miracles, but conceptual signs of the
nature of the Christian concept of man as imago viva Dei,
in the living image of God. His mission to the Irish, around
430,w as the first to barbarians outside Roman law,a s Cahill
observes. It succeeded in a way that no Christian mission
had before, converting an entire national population in less
than a century; but it based itself upon the work of those
beachheads of Augustinian Christianity by which St.P atrick
was trained: the movement of St.A mbrose and St.A ugustine
around Milan in the fourth century, and the networks of St.
Martin of Tours (France ) in the early fifth century.S t.P atrick
and his great successors Columba and Columban were the
leaders of a Christian missionary movement focused on the
Augustinian concept of the Trinity, as expressed by St.
Augustine and by Pope St. Leo the Great ( 441-451). This
moment was unique in a post-Roman world in which "Christian
" leadership otherwise was in heretical denial of the
divinity of Christ-that is, of the Trinity of God. In Christianity,
the divinity of Chris.t and the sacredness of human
life, imago viva Dei, are the same concept, inseparable.
This was the uniqueness of the Irish monastery movement,
which spread so far,s o fast,a nd with such results for human
progress-from St. Patrick's foundations.
Irish jig - rick and dor
Wednesday, March 16
Ruination of piano bars & singalongs worldwide via rock "anthem" or "hymn" standards
Kim Kinross's act is a good example of the ruination of piano bars, with singalongs, all over the world -- including on cruise ships using massacred rock songs that have become anthems or even hymns in the worldwide church of rock. With the obligatory hand signs and motions, ALL pianos everywhere without exception are now manned by these "rock n roll" "piano entertainers" who sing very badly, who play many songs too fast and who have perennial audiences that want to shout and yell no matter what. About ten years ago, I thought that only "a lot" of piano bars were being run this way now-- but since then I've come to understand that ALL piano bars now run this way, most without food-- which is a problem. The duelling rock piano acts that have taken over corporate events and weddings are now single acts-- that use the same techniques and songs. All individuality has been erased. All piano acts that have individuality are now classed as ticketed events with $60 tickets, for example, at MIM.
Piano bars - decimated
Tuesday, March 15
Monday, March 14
Dorothy played Steinway at Music Instrument Museum to surprising applause.
There was a crowd on hand at Music Instrument Museum last week as Dorothy played the Steinway in the lobby there. I don't have a video because I didn't bring my clunky Canon mini-dv recorder in and I don't have a smart phone. However, the following video is of someone playing that same piano so I'll post it here as a proxy.
MIM - Dorothy
We played Hibachi Room last night but no video
![]() |
The party room we played is in the section on the right. |
The lesson we learned is that the routine songs of the duelling piano cult are critically important now so we'll have to learn more of those. It's almost as if every single piano bar in the world now plays the same 100 songs all the time, no matter what. There is no chance to play material that is unique to our own tastes anymore. Duelling piano bars have completely destroyed piano bars in this way. The group we had last night sang along and applauded ONLY the duelling piano bar songs... selected from the top 100. Earlier in the evening, Dorothy played to a largely Hispanic group, including some of their favorites which widened out our repertoire last night at least. We also had Chinese and played some Chinese tunes. The owner sang along and was applauded for that. The biggest group was mixed Asian and white from California who sang along to our tunes.
In lieu of our own recording-- which is a difficult effort for me given my older equipment (big, heavy, low battery life, short recording time, etc.)-- I'll embed the following video that features a piano player with a beat box similar to what we used and playing some tunes we used.
Hibachi Room
Sunday, March 13
Friday, March 11
Wednesday, March 9
Tuesday, March 8
Antarctica soundtrack
In my continuing online review of soundtracks to amateur youtube videos, the following soundtrack for an Antarctica tour video struck me as good.
soundtracks - Antarctica
Sunday, March 6
Steel drum manufacturing
I found this interesting. I last saw steel drums live in Scottsdale at one of those phony corporate "small town" venues made to look like an old fashioned downtown section of a real town. Of course, everything around that area is super expensive. My car was the oldest one parked in the lot among all the new super cars. I talked to the steel drum guy and his gig is actually regular where he was stationed near a stairwell going up to a posh restaurant. I don't think I could stand more than a half hour of straight steel drums, myself, but Dorothy and me found it interesting to stand and watch for awhile. The following video is a short film on how steel drums are made-- quite interesting.
steel drum - how to make
Friday, March 4
Thursday, March 3
Brahms score to read
We're going to indulge in a new effort here to look at music as discovered by dead white men in Europe because multi-cultural expression has been given enough attention. The U.S. election of Trump -- potentially-- to make America great again--will make America European again. Trump will build a wall to stop illegal immigration and immigration will again be something to be controlled. Germany will have to revive Bach, for one, to save itself from the uncontrolled immigration now wrecking its entire culture. The following is a review of Bach.
"Solutrean" culture was the original European culture and preceded the "indigenous cultures" of North America. In effect, white people were in America first.
Brahms - score
Wednesday, March 2
Dr. David Duke sounds reasonable to me!
To provide yourself with a nice musical backdrop to David Duke's reasoning, click on Bach, a dead white man, below.
European Americans and European Canadians have been under assault to the extent that BEING a European Canadian or American constitutes being "racist" in a negative sense. However, being "race aware" is a type of racism that recognizes racial distinctions and related cultural distinctions. Who knows what the origin of race is-- but it's clear to me that race-mixing has a negative impact on race and culture and should have been and should be discouraged to the maximum possible extent. Nation states are primarily of one or another race or culture and should maintain their integrity in that fashion. The invitation of Arabs & Muslims into Germany is an atrocity second only to WWII bombing of Dresden by the so called Allies that was completely unjustified. Germany is now being bombed by Muslim Arabs and Africans as part of what I think is WWIII. Lyndon Larouche traces that nation state back 600 years to the origin of the Renaissance-- that solved a lot of problems. I personally work with East Indians, Mexicans, Asians and Black Americans in the music business-- and I get along with them all. How is that possible, you might wonder? Because I know who I am and who they are. There is mutual regard and sharing-- but it's not neccessary to co-mingle to share. And sharing ought to take place slowly-- not like in Germany where borders have been opened to Syrians. Evolution of culture should take place over hundreds or thousands of years. Borders recognize race, religion and culture-- and nation state borders are a human invention to help us all to get along. --Rick Potvin
Dr. David Duke - 1
Amira Willighagan - Is it live or-- faked? I can't tell.
Yeah sure this kid has impressive oratorio skills-- it SEEMS. However, we can't trust "youtube" or any media including stage mics, to be truthful. For me, it seems that the 9 year old is not going to have this skill level. I say its a hoax until and unless I can verify otherwise. I'm not making any judgement based on this one video. Little kids' potential to participate in lies-- and ordinary people's ability to participate in illusions-- know no bounds.
Tuesday, March 1
You Can't Stump the Trump... a lesson in debate improvisation expertise.
Trump plays his debating skills like expert musicians play an instrument. To play an instrument you have to know your fundamentals and how to play straight, AND to improvise in a microsecond.
Trump - improv
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