This type of thing will have to be stopped under a Trump presidency....
Rick says... I've just discovered that so-called children's dance ensembles are promoting and teaching young girls-- children-- adult dance moves-- going along with adult music. Youtube is full of stuff like this. Molly Long in Orange County CA is a major offender. That studio should be shut down. This kind of thing was relegated to age 19+ where I grew up and to see it in this age group-- clearly children-- is truly demonic beyond anything I've thought possible in America. Parents of these girls should be arrested for abuse. It's quite possible that international anti-child slavery laws could be the handle that shuts this thing down. Someone once said that the only thing needed for evil to succeed is lack of resistance... or something to that effect. So I would offer my public resistance to whatever the heck this is.

Rick says... I've just discovered that so-called children's dance ensembles are promoting and teaching young girls-- children-- adult dance moves-- going along with adult music. Youtube is full of stuff like this. Molly Long in Orange County CA is a major offender. That studio should be shut down. This kind of thing was relegated to age 19+ where I grew up and to see it in this age group-- clearly children-- is truly demonic beyond anything I've thought possible in America. Parents of these girls should be arrested for abuse. It's quite possible that international anti-child slavery laws could be the handle that shuts this thing down. Someone once said that the only thing needed for evil to succeed is lack of resistance... or something to that effect. So I would offer my public resistance to whatever the heck this is.

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