Dorothy used Hello Dolly as her signature sign-off tune whenever possible which was a lot. It's as if she and I were thinking Hello Dorothy, Dorothy will never go away, Dorothy will never go away, Dorothy will never go away, again!.... as if to say we'll be back again soon. She started implementing it for birthdays for specific people too. And of course, she would watch the movie whenever it played on either cable or the Movies! channel on over-the-air here in Phoenix.
This particular performance must have been late 2018 at age 83. We did gigs until early 2019 and she taught until March 2020. I'll try to post some more MP3's and MP4's as I'm able to in coming weeks. I had a request for the last Rick & Dorothy Piano Keyboard Hour as a duet so I'll work on that Blogger/ post next as well as Dorothy's last straight piano performance which was a medley of her favorite song writer, George Gershwin.
I take credit for extending her piano career from her age 59 to 84, which is 25 years, a quarter century. Without me, it simply would not have happened.... so as a promoter, manager and facilitator, I did pretty good actually with this talented artist, Dorothy Motto, or stage named DOROTHEA! OLEE!!!!
This particular performance must have been late 2018 at age 83. We did gigs until early 2019 and she taught until March 2020. I'll try to post some more MP3's and MP4's as I'm able to in coming weeks. I had a request for the last Rick & Dorothy Piano Keyboard Hour as a duet so I'll work on that Blogger/ post next as well as Dorothy's last straight piano performance which was a medley of her favorite song writer, George Gershwin.
I take credit for extending her piano career from her age 59 to 84, which is 25 years, a quarter century. Without me, it simply would not have happened.... so as a promoter, manager and facilitator, I did pretty good actually with this talented artist, Dorothy Motto, or stage named DOROTHEA! OLEE!!!!
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