Sunday, February 2

Dorothy Motto 1935-2025 "CREMATED HUMAN REMAINS" Box Day...

.....or, in fact, THE IMMORTAL DOROTHY MOTTO SOUL-DAY, because the universe doesn't let talent like that merely dissipate into nothingness... she's still an entity having had a mortal experience as soul-training and I'm happy to have accompanied her on her University-of-Earth soul-education! Each one of has a memory independent of matter. Consciousness is quantum, not classical physics. Here is a HOTLINK to a short 30 second MP3 audio that will play instantly-- Hit it, Dorothy!

Review chpt 9 "New Perspectives" in Design for Destiny, p152 Ed W Russell

"If we can convince ourselves that our present lives are merely brief interludes in an eternal existence, we need not take such a dim view of their sorrows, problems and frustrations. Most things are easier take if we know they're only temporary. ... they do not "get us down" because we know they're only temporary... this lifetime is merely one episode in an active existence... we can accept and eventually realize the "cosmic dream" of infinite scope in an eternal future."

See my forum posts about immortality here, including more related to Dorothy 

bio - dor - piano review - CUMANA on Technics Dorothy Motto's CUMANA on Technics sx PR-903 her fave piano... mp4 capture by Rick on the day he had to pick up her ashes... shelving the cardboard box labelled cremated human remains on her cabinet with our concert routines an d lessons and her history of photos.  COPY/PASTE this URL to your browser bar, and download a file that works for you, there are 12 to choose from so one of this HAS to work.


When I placed the surprisingly heavy ash-box on Dorothy's mantle cabinet of photos, binders of concerts we did and other collectables and awards, I couldn't find room so I took down a photo holder with few photos to priortize and behind it was that black and white photo copy of her with a very uncommon expression on her face I don't recall. It's the one where she's holding up her left hand with fingers spread, waving. It's a "knowing" expression, not demure like the young photo with lipstick and not the happy expression as in the piano-keyboard playing position with the frilly dress. I was surprised that I didn't recall this photo. It's in black and white, like ashes in the box. Hard to believe a person is in a box of ashes, Dorothy. The mind, my mind, can't grasp it. CREMATED HUMAN REMAINS, says the cardboard box. Hard to believe. There's gotta be more to it that this. That's the ENTITY of the SOUL-PERSON Dorothy MUST because Nature cannot simply dismiss this Dorothea-creation of talent like this... inorganic ash. I'm just one man and already, I'm doing godlike things like preserving her music/photos.. so imagine what NATURE (God) can do! The Dorothea Soul Lives... as we all live on... translating into a NEW DIMENSION of time and space.

See the rubber band around the cremated remains box holding an envelope on top? That envelope contains my last gift to her, for Christmas 2024, a gold jewel bracelet. She loved stuff like that even though she has tons of old jewelry and other decor. On Christmas morning, I noticed she was significantly not herself, I was slow to understand she likely had another stroke as I unwrapped gifts she aske for but didn't respond to. THIS bracelet, however, lit her up and she slipped it on her left wrist and stared at it... the last really happy and lucid moment I think she had with me... then when the undertaker asked if she had any jewelry on her that needed to be removed before cremation, I mentioned that bracelet. They said they didn't find it. Then when I picked up the ashes, they said that had found this bracelent slipped very high up on her arm, so they missed it until the last moment and removed it and included it with ashes. Somehow Dorothy had hid it from them... so when the ashes came back to me, I was reminded of her favorite Christmas gift, her last Christmas, that bracelet. Incredible and soul wrenching for me... but treasured... and clever of her in her passing on as a talk-back moment to me. Wow.

Dorothy Motto 1935 - 2025
Dorothea, occasional stage name
Bay Area, Vegas, New Orleans Piano Player
Piano Organ Sales Phoenix AZ
Piano and Music Instructor
Partner in the Rick and Dorothy Piano-Keyboard Hour show series
My best friend, business partner from 1995 & wife since 2016
Immortal Talent trained by God & Nature to Higher Existence Forever.

The strongest willed and self-determined personality I've ever known.
And who enjoyed my sense of humor.


Here's a hotlink to a 30 second MP3 that will play immediately for you, of Dorothy & me leading a sing along of "Hello Dolly", one of Dorothy's main signature tunes at the end of a lot of shows. She watched the movie whenever it came on too. "Dolly will never go away again" was her way of saying "Dorothy" will always be back again and I'm now confident she will be too. [Hello Dolly]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are a beautiful tribute to her. May she watch over and protect you.