Thursday, March 6

Rick & Dorothy Piano-Keyboard Show

by Rick March 6, 2025

Everyone has heard of the "Tunnel of Love" at the midway fairgrounds with all the rides but I'm currently in a "Tunnel of Grief" with the loss of Dorothy's Life-Field, a devastating phenomenon I've never had the experience of before in my entire life. The only thing that keeps me energized right now is my review of our work in these audio-videos that "bring her back to life", electronically. Her awards, piano books & photo bookcase is to my left as I work online doing this and big photos of us and her surround me so there is a definite pictoral and electronic presence that I personally believe has a real spooky quantum-reality to it. Let me share with you, whoever visits here, one of the last "Rick and Dorothy Piano-Keyboard Show"'s that we did that I "invented" for us... the invention being the use of "keyboard ensemble" and "88 key piano" as a complete "band". I'm using stereo recording here with a 400 watt amp so the closer you can get to that, the better the recreation.

[MP3 AUDIO hotlink 20 minutes 19 MB] [MP4 VIDEO 75 MB] [Other formats]

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