Sunday, January 31
Vendee Race soundtrack critique by Rick Potvin
I teach piano but more generally, I teach music-- of course-- with piano being my main instrument. However, to what end? Concerts? Background music? Ipod zombies? No. The end is now the intentional online video documentary. Here's another nicely done soundtrack for a video documentary. Look in the index below under "soundtracks" for more of my expert examples and critiques. Look below (scroll down) for my updating critiques of the videos I ADD+ to the following playlist.
Video 1. Vendee. Rick says-- This 20 min video seems official to me and is well produced with suitable music in the background. I enjoyed watching it. The soundtrack includes many French speaking particpants and being half Francois myself, as a Potduvin, I appreciate that. I use this first video as a reference point for this mission. Video 2 soon coming up.
Video 1. Vendee. Rick says-- This 20 min video seems official to me and is well produced with suitable music in the background. I enjoyed watching it. The soundtrack includes many French speaking particpants and being half Francois myself, as a Potduvin, I appreciate that. I use this first video as a reference point for this mission. Video 2 soon coming up.
soundtracks - vendee
Saturday, January 30
Cruise ships feature piano entertainment in a big way.
The following playlist features performances by pianists and keyboardists who work the cruise ships.
Cruise ships
Friday, January 29
Dramatic & suitable piano music for shocking idea in nicely done flat earth production
The dramatic piano music (which I'll find out the name of) is very well chosen for the dramatic idea of flat earth and fake antarctica in the following video. I may make a playlist consisting of more like this. I have a student who wants to learn to play music to find ways to provide backgrounds for his own videos-- and THIS is the future of music-- the music-documentary-youtube type video like the following... and beyond it in 3D sound and vision. Learning to play music helps people become sensitized to the subtlies in music that allow thoughts to coalesce and form-- and the following video and soon-playlist will try to demonstrate that.
Tiffany's 1987 version of "I think we're alone now" was a no-band version of 1967 Gary Schondell original
In 1987, "I Think We're Alone Now" was one of my favorite pop tunes. Only now I discover that it belongs to Gary Shondell and his band did it in 1967! The following will be a playlist showing piano and guitar versions and lessons on how to play it, with links below to the sheet music and a discussion of elements of that song that make it special.
I think we're alone now
Thursday, January 28
I now teach jazz-blues course at x
There was an entire course binder that was sitting on a shelf, unused, that I didn't realize I could use at x. Most of my students are too young or inexperienced to try it but it's another beginner type course that fast-tracks a mature beginner's understanding of music in the jazz/blues/rock department. The regular course runs through 17 units of classical oriented music and theory before getting to another 20 unites of pop styles. In the interest of pursuing that second tier of jazz/blues instruction, I'll kick it off with a required listening course with All or Nothing At All... sung by Billie Holiday
All or nothing at all
Wednesday, January 27
Chinese songs performed by Rick & Dorothy Jan 2016
You never know what you're going to learn, but you have to be ready to learn it when the time comes. In this case, I had to learn how to publish our videos without using a Youtube upload function. It appears that Youtube upload facilities are having problems. So I'm using a blogger upload function that isn't quite as nice but it's functional. The latest concert we did consists of separate videos with no playlists. Vimeo, my fave alt, doesn't have playlisting. People balk. They don't care. So here are some scenes from our Chinese concert in a new format.
Rick is wearing a red Chinese dragon tie and Dorothy is wearking a furry top over her gold filagree top because she's just getting over a cold and the overhead fan is blowing on us-- messing up our music pages.
The audience consists of about 60 people who are surprisingly appreciative of our attempt to play Chinese music! We did not know how it would go over-- but it went over quite nicely anyway.
Tuesday, January 26
Monday, January 25
Arirang (Korean tune) played by Rick & Dorothy

Due to technical difficulties with Youtube, we cannot post a Youtube upload here but rather a one-only video hosted by, the host of this blog. Below is a Youtube playlist consisting of several different performances of Arirang so listeners can compare the originals with Rick & Dorothy's performance.
Arirang - Rick & Dorothy
Chicago on Guitar Center Sessions
I watched part of the Guitar Center Sessions show on Sunday evening during dinnertime featuring Chigaco in their latest incarnation. What a great blast from the 1970's past!
The video below is not a playlist-- just one song-- 25 or 6 to 4. I'll try to upload my piano/vocal of it on the uploader over the next several days.
Sunday, January 24
Experimental binaural consciousness intensity music
Experimental binaural consciousness intensity music.. or EBCIM (?)... "Eebeesim"? REQUIRES HEADPHONES. Not a playlist. 20 minutes. Seems better than most I've tried. Not sure why. There are alternating low frequencies for periods of 10 seconds with horn like upper frequencies for 10 seconds. Created by Samadhi Meditation which sounds East Indian-- and we know East Indian gurus KNOW how to meditate.
Definitely worth a try. Enjoyable even if it doesn't "work" as advertised.
FALL ASLEEP FAST & RECALL DREAMS - Oceanic Lucidity - 8 hour brainwave entrainment music - YouTube
Definitely worth a try. Enjoyable even if it doesn't "work" as advertised.
FALL ASLEEP FAST & RECALL DREAMS - Oceanic Lucidity - 8 hour brainwave entrainment music - YouTube
meditation - EBCIM
Rick's tribute to Eagles & Glen Frey playlist
Glen Frey, lead guitar and composer for the Eagles, passed into the next dimension in the past week. I grew up listening to Eagles so it's with some degree of reflection that I absorbed that news. Shortly after, I played Hotel California-- one of their most famous hits-- although I had had an extra High Life beer so I was a bit tipsy. I haven't posted the clip till now because a) I had to think twice about posting while drinking and b) Youtube seems to be not accepting uploads from me for several days. The following upload was done right on the blogger site-- and thus there is no playlist associated with it. I'll have to solve that problem in coming weeks. UPDATE: I was just getting over a nasty cold as I did this as well-- so I'm more nasal and rough voiced than normal-- furthermore I didn't think to transpose down a few half tones as I normally do with pop songs. DESPITE all those problems, I post it here "anyway". VIDEO UPDATE- It turns out Blogger uploads to Youtube so that's weird-- I'll research this further and hopefully find a possible end run.
I got my 30th subscriber today, as well... which is fun to see. Welcome #30... ! Post in comments below or request tunes. Imagine that---every time I post here, the post goes out to 30 emails automatically. I suppose I'd better keep that in mind and blog responsibly.
Given the fact that Youtube is apparently preventing me from uploading, I'll try some alternatives besides the Blogger upload above. One host that worked today was
Saturday, January 23
Trump music playlist

It's possible that the culture of American national existence and cultural maintenance and promotion can create a feedback loop into society to create a musical trend worth looking at again. We're still in the early stages of rebuilding the New Atlantis under a Zodiacal change in rulers again to Enki in the coming Age of Aquarius. Europe does not yet have their own Trump to stop the Third World weaponized invasion and destruction of European nation-states-- but it's possible that the Trump Revolution, like the First American Revolution will inspire nationalists in Europe to do so. Music will once again become relevent to culture. A review of Classical European music might be added to this playlist beginning with Bach, Beethoven and Brahms.
Trump music
Famous Chinese songs played by Dorothy [playlist]
Friday, January 22
China's got Muslim talent? Huh?
How has "America's Got Talent" format been ripped off by China?
Rick's Editorial Comment - WARNING: Politically incorrect. This video concert makes no sense. It's got to be contrived by dark money because anyone can see that the star is a scarf-wearing Musim woman-- and Muslims are not supposed to be involved in music at all by some accounts. Then the judges and audience are strictly Chinese. So why would Chinese people be watching a Muslim from the Phillipines? And why would they be applauding here? This culture mixing is in no way a natural thing in my estimation. I've seen PLENTY of TRUE Chinese audiences and enthusiasm for Chinese stars but this is an apostasy-- in the video above. It's cultural misalignment. It makes no sense. Something is seriously wrong here apart from the formula approach to putting supposed amateurs on stage to be "judged" as in America's got Talent shows we've seen. This internationized formula is likely being funded and promoted by sinister forces that seek to mix cultures up beyond recognition. This too is a piano lesson.
Part 2 of my look at vocal competition tv shows in China: Here's another non-sensical performance-- where we see an Africa-American originated tune being sung in English and sponsored by HUNAN TV in China! How is it possible that Chinese agencies are not sponsoring their own music and their own native talent? Are we going to be subjected to the SAME songs all over the world? There are plenty of Chinese tunes for Chinese singers!
Part 3 of my look at the latest in Chinese music. Youtube has, thankfully, hosted countless renditions of Chinese music, in the Chinese languages, featuring Chinese culture and Chinese romance. The cultural crossovers in the two video's above are disturbing-- and create a cognitive dissonance that violates my own sense of cultural norms so below, I've posted my third video of this blog entry-- a 200+ video playlist of hopefully relevent Chinese pop culture music.
Part 2 of my look at vocal competition tv shows in China: Here's another non-sensical performance-- where we see an Africa-American originated tune being sung in English and sponsored by HUNAN TV in China! How is it possible that Chinese agencies are not sponsoring their own music and their own native talent? Are we going to be subjected to the SAME songs all over the world? There are plenty of Chinese tunes for Chinese singers!
Part 3 of my look at the latest in Chinese music. Youtube has, thankfully, hosted countless renditions of Chinese music, in the Chinese languages, featuring Chinese culture and Chinese romance. The cultural crossovers in the two video's above are disturbing-- and create a cognitive dissonance that violates my own sense of cultural norms so below, I've posted my third video of this blog entry-- a 200+ video playlist of hopefully relevent Chinese pop culture music.
America's got talent
Thursday, January 21
Chinese & Japanese Dragon dances are part of Asian New Years
Dorothy and me have watched many dragon dances during Chinese New Years celebrations over the years. I've added a few dragon dances to the Gong Xi Gong Xi playlist I'm creating to stimulate our thinking on how to perform our own Chinese songs for upcoming gigs we have lined up. We have two restaurants and a Chinese carnival at the Golden Buddha Plaza-- which is actually the Chinese Cultural Center in our sites but none yet confirmed. Our own one hour Chinese show is developing nicely now-- and we'll be ready to try it in front of an audience on Monday. I'll record what I can of course but recording is always a different kettle of fish.
Wednesday, January 20
The Rick & Dorothy Piano-Keyboard Hour available for your February 2016 Residence Party

The Rick & Dorothy Piano-Keyboard Hour features songs, both instrumental and vocals, played on piano and a keyboard at the same time for a full sound. Repertoire songs are familiar to residents of retirement communities throughout "the valley" (Greater Phoenix, AZ). The songs are changed every month or so to keep it fresh and interesting, although the most popular tunes are repeated, but never exactly in the same way twice. Special "sets" are created for special holidays like St. Patrick's Day, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas and more.

This live performance show enthralls retired residents because the songs are familiar and played by TWO players, each on their own instrument-- a traditional 88 key piano-- and a keyboard ensemble that completes the full musical sound with bass and percussion, as well as solo instruments like saxaphone, vibraphone and more. There is both a visual impact of watching two musicians play music in real time as well as the impact of the full sounds of the instruments working off one another. Add in vocals on some of the tunes and this hour of entertainment is memorable.
Book your hour with The Rick & Dorothy Piano & Keyboard Hour now-- especially if it's a special holiday you're considering. Email Rick at or call (602) 371-0094.

Soundtracks for Youtube video documentaries vary in quality.
With the explosion of Youtube documentaries, there has been a resurgence of original music and soundtracking in a new an interesting way. Many online Youtube documentaries have terrible soundtracks that make the video presentation had to watch without clicking the sound off. Other documentaries are soundtracked very nicely. The following video about flat earth theory has what I would call an excellent audio accompaniment that suits the topic. I listened to the entire presentation with a good set of headphones and can recommend it to the reader here as well-- with headphones.
soundtracks - flat earth
Tuesday, January 19
Dorothy & Rick's Chinese New Years 1 Hour Keyboard/Piano Concert Song List
The following playlist explores online versions of Chinese songs that Dorothy and Rick will play at upcoming Chinese gigs. We'll upload our performances as they become available.
Dorothy & Rick's 1 Hour Chinese Piano Show 2016
Dorothy & Rick's 1 Hour Chinese Piano Show 2016
(Our 2-3 Restaurant Demo will be added below and is similar)
1. Gong Xi Gong Xi - Chinese New Years Song
2. Ballad for Adelaide - Made famous in China by China touring French pianist composer Richard Clayderman.
3. Arirang - Famous Taiwan tune.
4. Promise in the Wind
5. Forever Love
6. Shanghai Beach - an older traditional Chinese war tune known by billions of Chinese.
7. Love in the Snow
8. Play
9. Famous Clayderman song #1 (I can't translate the Chinese title yet but again made famous and played by Clayderman).
10. Flower Song
11. Butterfly Lovers - Probably the most recognized pop-orchestra tune in China today.
12. Song in C minor - Clayderman song #2 - Chinese title not yet translated.
13. Memory of a Younger Time
14. Love Story Song (Tibet)
15. Grandma's Song (Korea)
16. Green Island (best known as sung by famous Chinese vocalist Theresa Tang-- no relation to the orange juice company, I don't think).
17. Springtime in Northern Country
18. When y love comes back (Theresa Tang)
19. Dancing Girl (Famous Chinese folk song)
20. Canon in D (Famous European classical by Pachelbel now famous in China).
21. Red River Valley (Originally made famous by Roy Rogers that Chinese like
22. Country Roads - Another tune by John Denver that Chinese love.
Monday, January 18
Sunday, January 17
Row Row Row Your Boat Playlist by Rick including how to Row a Boat
I haven't rowed a boat very often in my past but I now that it's a skill that everyone should have. As a figure of speech is one thing, but to literally row a boat is a demanding skill that today's smart phone and video game kids would do well to consider as a break from the computer driven world we're now in. To kick it off, I start this playlist with the all time children's hit, Row Row Row Your Boat.
Row Row Row Your Boat
Rick covers "Don't Stop Believin" & looks like Steve Perry of Journey
People tell me I look a bit like Steve Perry of Journey. I suppose there might be something to that. What do you think?
I was never a Journey fan and certainly didn't play "Don't Stop Believin" until just a few years ago when I thought I'd pitch my piano playing to Seasons52 restaurant along with Dorothy. I thought I needed more "hip" rock tunes. It turns out the song has become wildly popular with Duelling Pianos crowds and cruise ships despite being decades old. Where have I been? (Answer... selling Lowrey organs to seniors, that's where).
I guess it's never too late to get interested in the 1980's, given Youtube and the internet in general. Pop culture seems to be blending the entire history of rock and of man into one big internet party. With that in mind, the following playlist starts with me, goes through original renditions by Perry, then a few parodies and finally, my latest cover attempt.
Rick plays "It Is Well With My Soul"

The song also reminded me of the C.S. Lewis quote that we ARE souls with bodies rather than the other way around. And the hardships we endure are tests for us, as souls, so that we can ascend to higher levels through reincarnation and eventual transcendence into what Jesus called a "glorified body"-- what we would understand as light bodies. The following playlist explores the song, the writer and the issues and begins with my effort. I'll add the song to my teaching list.
Here's the chord/lyric sheet I worked off. You can see that I installed the Roman Numeral chords in order to do the transpose. The chord changes are quite simple so the transposing, twice, adds a fair degree of harmonic sophisication that was hard to grasp at first-- until I realized that they're doing clever tranpositions at the beginning of every new verse. It's a cheap trick in music but it works. In this case, the embellishment of powerful vocals adds yet another dimension. Overall, an okay inspirational hymn... and apparently a popular one at that. It's on my list of songs worth learning now.
The Ted Cruz Music & Comedy Hour Playlist
In one of the funniest turns in American politics I've seen in a long time, it turns out that Ted Cruz was a natural born Canuck which has resurrected the debate about who is qualified to be US president. Being Canadian born myself, I couldn't help but follow this turn through with some thoughtful music and comedy related videos that might help us laugh off the entire presidential race.
I start the playlist with Ted Cruz's conversion from rock & roll fan to country fan. Later we see Ted Cruz compare the song Amazing Grace with Gilligan's Island. I call this playlist "The Ted Cruz Music & Comedy Hour Playlist", reminiscent of Rowan & Martin's Laugh in and the Sonny & Cher Show and even Hee-Haw.
I start the playlist with Ted Cruz's conversion from rock & roll fan to country fan. Later we see Ted Cruz compare the song Amazing Grace with Gilligan's Island. I call this playlist "The Ted Cruz Music & Comedy Hour Playlist", reminiscent of Rowan & Martin's Laugh in and the Sonny & Cher Show and even Hee-Haw.
Wednesday, January 13
I Bought my Billion Dollar Ticket-- to the tune of "I Met My MIllion Dollar Baby"
I really like parodies. Parodies make me laugh. Laughing makes me feel better. And feeling better makes me want to do another parody. It's a vicious comedy cycle. It's legal!
I only caught onto the billion dollar lottery deal a few days ago and I only bought a ticket in the last 48 hours as a lark. "As a lark"-- I don't know what that means but it seems to fit. I'll google it and see what wikipedia says. I trust wikipedia.

Obama's State of the Union only inspires me to consider parodies.
I didn't realize there were so many good paradies of Obama. Given his last SOTU speech last night, I thought I'd review some of the ones I like on the following playlist.
Obama parodies
It is well with my soul
There is song out there that I've been assigned to look at by a student who requested I play it. The phrase is hinted at in Hebrews (NT) 12 but it's not actually used in the Bible. It was coined by a real estate mogel who lost his shirt in the Chicago Fire of the late 1800's and who then lost four daughters when he sent them to Europe for a getaway vacation. He started up his own religion called "OverComers"... which reminds me of "We shall overcome, someday"-- of MLK but I'm not sure if that's a Bible quote either. Anyway, I'm willing to study the song since on this very page I've invited readers to make requests below near my tip jar section. I'll now create a playlist to do this study and eventually do my own recording and analysis that makes it easy for YOU to sing or play it.
"it is well with my soul" chords lyrics - Google Search
Dwight Yoakam - It Is Well With My Soul Tabs, Chords
It Is Well With My Soul (G) Chords by Unlisted @
"it is well with my soul" chords lyrics - Google Search
Dwight Yoakam - It Is Well With My Soul Tabs, Chords
It Is Well With My Soul (G) Chords by Unlisted @
Tuesday, January 12
Nipigon Bridge is Falling Down, Falling Down, Falling Down
My first six years of human (as opposed to alien or animal) life were spent in Northern Ontario within a few short miles of the old Nipigon Bridge that apparently was replaced by a new one that recently failed and actually cut Canada in half. Uh-Oh Canada! My Dad worked for Ontario Hydro at the hydro electric power generating station just upstream
from the bridge as seen on the map on the right. Lake Nipigon drains into Lake Superior. My mom raised five children, from scratch, from the Hydro "colony" of Cameron Falls used to house the power station employees.
So when I heard from my Mom that the Nipigon Bridge had failed, of course a favorite childhood tune for me at the time, came to mind.... London Bridge is Falling Down. My mom must have taught it to me. The following playlist does not yet include MY parody version with lyrics indicting Premeir Wynne but it will in coming days. In the meantime, enjoy the following playlist of videos I assembled to mark this event. YOU CAN SKIP FORWARD USING ARROWS at bottom left.
PIANO LESSONS-- I have music and playlists for 50 traditional Western Civ originated childrens tunes that either Dorothy or me can use. What a great way to learn how to play piano! The trick for children is to have heard these tunes in school which is increasingly unlikely. Guitar Center doesn't use them but I can use half the lesson to deliver songs of students' choice-- which should include some of the childrens tunes, in my opinion. Adults who start piano would do well to play these tunes as beginners too
london bridge is falling down chords - Google Search
from the bridge as seen on the map on the right. Lake Nipigon drains into Lake Superior. My mom raised five children, from scratch, from the Hydro "colony" of Cameron Falls used to house the power station employees.
So when I heard from my Mom that the Nipigon Bridge had failed, of course a favorite childhood tune for me at the time, came to mind.... London Bridge is Falling Down. My mom must have taught it to me. The following playlist does not yet include MY parody version with lyrics indicting Premeir Wynne but it will in coming days. In the meantime, enjoy the following playlist of videos I assembled to mark this event. YOU CAN SKIP FORWARD USING ARROWS at bottom left.
PIANO LESSONS-- I have music and playlists for 50 traditional Western Civ originated childrens tunes that either Dorothy or me can use. What a great way to learn how to play piano! The trick for children is to have heard these tunes in school which is increasingly unlikely. Guitar Center doesn't use them but I can use half the lesson to deliver songs of students' choice-- which should include some of the childrens tunes, in my opinion. Adults who start piano would do well to play these tunes as beginners too
london bridge is falling down chords - Google Search
Nipigon Bridge is Falling Down
Nipigon bridge is falling down
Nipigon bridge is falling down
D7 G
Falling down, falling down.
Falling down, falling down.
Nipigon bridge is falling down,
Nipigon bridge is falling down,
Premier Wynne
Premier Wynne
Take the key and lock her up,
Take the key and lock her up,
D7 G
lock her up, lock her up.
lock her up, lock her up.
Take the key and lock her up,
Take the key and lock her up,
Premier Wynne
Premier Wynne
Build it up with silver and gold,
Build it up with silver and gold,
D7 G
silver and gold, silver and gold.
silver and gold, silver and gold.
Build it up with silver and gold,
Build it up with silver and gold,
Premier Wynne
Premier Wynne
Nipigon Bridge
David Bowie interview + playlist including Rick's cover of Major Tom

The music industry is apparently deeply connected to the world of mysticism of a most negative kind. I interpret that as a connection to Enlil, the ancient Anunnaki brother of Enki, both sons of Anu who, according to Zacharia Sitchen, created mankind as slaves to mine gold. Interestingly, "music" is a term based on The Muse, ancient Greek goddesses-demigods.
Bowie - dead at 69,
David Bowie
Monday, January 11
GhostBusters theme with Square Lead

I updated my Ghost Busters playlist with me playing the Square Lead sound on the Casio Previa using the easy piano version for intermediate students-- and to inspire beginner students with. It's fairly tricky to play because the left hand has to carry some sixteenth notes alternating with other values. Left and right hand coordination is definitely exercised here. After my Square Lead version I've ADDED+ a videogame Ghostbusters walkthrough.
Why are Muslim invaders using US drug gang rap culture music & moves?
Maybe the US drug gang culture of rap music and moves, funded secretly by covert NWO orgs, is now being "recycled" for the invading muslim gangs. Check out the first video in the following playlist and tell me I'm wrong.
Video 1. "I'm a Muslim Man"... shows signs of influence and even outright creation by the same people who created gangsta rap for American blacks in LA a few decades ago. Hand signs abound. Strange contortions are similar. Even the synths used for the music are high tech-- and cost significantly. The binaural 3D audio in this video required the latest audio technology.
Video 1. "I'm a Muslim Man"... shows signs of influence and even outright creation by the same people who created gangsta rap for American blacks in LA a few decades ago. Hand signs abound. Strange contortions are similar. Even the synths used for the music are high tech-- and cost significantly. The binaural 3D audio in this video required the latest audio technology.
Sunday, January 10
Ghostbusters sheet music from
Here's an additional version of GhostBusters from sheet music put out by [Sheet Music Direct] played by me. It's an easy-piano version in the key of C that I'll use to teach in upcoming lessons out of our home studio and perhaps the Guitar Center studio for the students who like it and need a suggestion for a fun song. The tricky part of playing this are the synchopated 16th notes of course which puts it at the same level as anything by Bach at about a Grade V Toronto Conservatory level. My version is followed up by my earlier lead-sheet version then by original recordings and recordings by others to round out a complete playlist lesson.
Meditation Youtubes and Playlists - Index
Binaural beats - 40 hz for lucid dreams
binaural beats - endorphin release
Binaural beats - 5.5 hz for creativity
Binaural Beats - Wake up in 10 min.
Binaural beats with 3d Sound = Paul Santini
Binaural beatss - 288 hz - pineal gland activation
Binaural recordings [USE HEADPHONES] - Campfire & Constellations
chakras - soundscape
meditation - 128 hz
meditation - 432 and 8 hz
meditation - 55 hz - kundalini
meditation investigation - My playlist of 16 possible working medititation recordings including creativity and endorphin release. (Jan 2016)
meditation recordings playlist - Playlist of 28 recordings of various types (Dec 2015)
binaural beats - endorphin release
Binaural beats - 5.5 hz for creativity
Binaural Beats - Wake up in 10 min.
Binaural beats with 3d Sound = Paul Santini
Binaural beatss - 288 hz - pineal gland activation
Binaural recordings [USE HEADPHONES] - Campfire & Constellations
chakras - soundscape
meditation - 128 hz
meditation - 432 and 8 hz
meditation - 55 hz - kundalini
meditation investigation - My playlist of 16 possible working medititation recordings including creativity and endorphin release. (Jan 2016)
meditation recordings playlist - Playlist of 28 recordings of various types (Dec 2015)
meditation - index
Friday, January 8
Rick Potvin covers Ghostbusters Theme Piano/vocal
![]() |
Here I am concentrating really really hard on keeping the beat with GhostBusters. What a ham I am |
I personally don't think one person in a million understands the chord changes in this song. If I had gone into electronics, I'm sure that would be true too. But I find myself doing this instead. Fine.
So the tune starts with a I chord, to a flat VII and a IV and repeats that over and over and over again. Big deal you say. Yeah... unless you're a white boy like me and have to work at rhythm... in which case it takes a few days. Check it out. Pay attention to my errors and be sure to point them out to me in comments below.
Kids on Keyboards is still an under-valued skill.
![]() |
Most people still think of the "piano lesson" as being instruction for the instrument on the RIGHT rather than instruction on how to play the ENSEMBLE unit on the left. |
Thursday, January 7
Flat Earth Music Playlist [assembled by Mark Sargeant]

The earth is definitely flat-- there's no doubt in my mind about that.
I began to wonder why, if the earth is spinning like they say, why the "air" seems to be able to stay relatively calm. There should be high winds when you walk outside, and they should always be blowing west, if the earth is spinning east.
I thought about this problem quite a bit and there has been an explosion of thinking on the problem in the past year. The following playlist consists of music with a flat earth them.
I began to wonder why, if the earth is spinning like they say, why the "air" seems to be able to stay relatively calm. There should be high winds when you walk outside, and they should always be blowing west, if the earth is spinning east.
I thought about this problem quite a bit and there has been an explosion of thinking on the problem in the past year. The following playlist consists of music with a flat earth them.
flat earth playlist
Antarctica songs Playlist
antarctica - Google Search
Google search
antarctica lyrics "men without hats" - Google Search
Antarctica - Antarctica
Antarctica - Antarctica
Ice age is here, right in your town
Antarctica, look what you've done
And I, I feel like I've cheated your scheme
And I, I feel like you really know what I mean
Nightfall's heartbeat, the street's in a mess
On reflector, the beach is endless
And I, I feel like I've cheated your scheme
And I, I feel like you really know what I mean
It's my turn - It's my turn
Antarctica - Antarctica
No day, no night, and always the sound
Ice pressure
It's me that's found
And I, I feel like I'm really part of your scene
And I, I feel like you know what I mean
Pictures moving, and always the whirls
Antarctica, where are you now
And I, I feel like I'm really part of your scheme
And I, I feel like you're loosing your dream
Antarctica - Antarctica
Antarctica - Antarctica
And I, I feel like you know what I mean
And I, I feel like I'm really lost in your seam
It's my turn - It's my turn
It's my turn - It's my turn
It's my turn - It's my turn
MEN WITHOUT HATS LYRICS - AntarcticaAntarctica - Antarctica
Ice age is here, right in your town
Antarctica, look what you've done
And I, I feel like I've cheated your scheme
And I, I feel like you really know what I mean
Nightfall's heartbeat, the street's in a mess
On reflector, the beach is endless
And I, I feel like I've cheated your scheme
And I, I feel like you really know what I mean
It's my turn - It's my turn
Antarctica - Antarctica
No day, no night, and always the sound
Ice pressure
It's me that's found
And I, I feel like I'm really part of your scene
And I, I feel like you know what I mean
Pictures moving, and always the whirls
Antarctica, where are you now
And I, I feel like I'm really part of your scheme
And I, I feel like you're loosing your dream
Antarctica - Antarctica
Antarctica - Antarctica
And I, I feel like you know what I mean
And I, I feel like I'm really lost in your seam
It's my turn - It's my turn
It's my turn - It's my turn
It's my turn - It's my turn
Antarctica Chords
Tabbed and arranged by Madi Smith. If played capo 4, will sound exactly as recorded. ------------------------------------------ capo: 4 Intro and verses: F Am C Em7 e--------------------------| B---------------------(3)--| G----------------0--0--(0)-| D--2h3---0h2-----2--0------| A------0-----0---3--2------| E--------------------------| Verse 1 Left behind everything I knew All the colors but bone-white and sky-blue Hit the continent running Engines were humming just to break through Chorus Am F C G Ant-arctica, my only living relative Antarctica, I can't wait anymore Verse 2 Under ice there's a world moving slow Carnelian stars and the bars down below Serve only vodka and gin I try to stay drunk so nobody knows Chorus Antarctica, my only living relative Antarctica, I can't wait anymore I can't wait anymore Bridge Dm F And then there's morning C G Each one feels like the first one Dm F C G Ah, morning, so clean, so pure Am F C G Am F Nothing so clear, now that I'm here Tag C G Am F C G oooo Verse 3 When I get back to the city Everything's cluttered and pretty I won't regret my return I'll just remember the wind and the snow Am And the howling so loud D/F# F C G That it alone drowns out the inside of me [Chorus]
Antarctica Chords - The Weepies - Guitar Chords
Antarctica by Midnight Oil
ANTARTICA Chords - Midnight Oil | E-Chords
Antarctica by Al Stewart
Author: Al Stewart and Peter White
FG Am FG Am | Long before I ever saw the frost upon your face |
FG Am CE7 Am | I was haunted by your beauty, and it drew me to this place |
FG Am FG Am | I felt the chill of mystery, with one foot on your shore |
FG Am CE7 Am | And then and there resolved to go where no man had before |
C G FG Am | Maybe I was snowblind, but it seemed the wind spoke true |
FG Am CE7 Am | And I believed its stories then, as dreamers sometimes do |
E | |
AmEm CEm AmG F | In Antarctica |
AmEm CEm AmG F | In Antarctica |
FG Am FG Am | Who knows what the powers may be that cause a man to go |
FG Am CE7 Am | Mindless of the dangers out across the virgin snow |
FG Am FG Am | Seduced by this ambition, I easily forget |
FG Am CE7 Am | The hopeless quest of Shackleton, the dreamlike death of Scott |
C G FG Am | Maybe I was snowblind, but it seemed your voice was true |
FG Am CE7 Am | And I believed the stories then, as travelers sometimes do |
E | |
AmEm CEm AmG F | In Antarctica |
AmEm CEm AmG F | In Antarctica |
C G FG Am | Maybe I was snowblind, but it seemed the wind spoke true |
FG Am CE7 Am | And I believed its stories then, as dreamers sometimes do |
E | |
AmEm CEm AmG F | In Antarctica |
AmEm CEm AmG F | In Antarctica |
C G FG Am | Maybe I was snowblind, perhaps it sapped my will |
FG Am CE7 Am | But something of my innocence is wandering there still |
E | |
AmEm CEm AmG F | In Antarctica |
AmEm CEm AmG F | In Antarctica Guitar Chords My Antarctica Chords by Duran Duran | Songsterr Tabs with Rhythm |
Phil Pritchett - Antarctica U.s.a. Tabs, Chords
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