Sunday, January 17

Rick covers "Don't Stop Believin" & looks like Steve Perry of Journey

People tell me I look a bit like Steve Perry of Journey. I suppose there might be something to that. What do you think?

I was never a Journey fan and certainly didn't play "Don't Stop Believin" until just a few years ago when I thought I'd pitch my piano playing to Seasons52 restaurant along with Dorothy. I thought I needed more "hip" rock tunes. It turns out the song has become wildly popular with Duelling Pianos crowds and cruise ships despite being decades old. Where have I been? (Answer... selling Lowrey organs to seniors, that's where). 

I guess it's never too late to get interested in the 1980's, given Youtube and the internet in general. Pop culture seems to be blending the entire history of rock and of man into one big internet party. With that in mind, the following playlist starts with me, goes through original renditions by Perry, then a few parodies and finally, my latest cover attempt. 

1 comment:

Rick said...

Hi Anne, say something