Thursday, November 8

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing.

As piano players for your gig, party, hotel, ship or restaurant, Dorothy and me try to cover all the bases.  .. and there is no base I personally like better than the 1940's with Duke Ellington. In particular, the tune "It don't mean a thing" grabs me. Who knows why? I think it's the power of the minor one chord and the V chord. Who knows? Duke says its the swing. Maybe.

Here's Dorothy and me performing "It don't mean a thing"

Stay tuned for our latest restaurant gig... or learn to play this tune. If you're in Sun City or Sun Lakes and own a Lowrey or Technics organ, we'll drive out to see you and deliver a lesson on how to operate that instrument, along with the music for this tune. If you're in town, come on in to our studio for an hour a week and we'll get you up to speed on this tune too. If your not in Phoenix or surrounding area, then join me, Rick, in my free discussion forum where we'll look at this song a little more deeply so that you can understand how it works and how to play it yourself.

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