Sunday, November 18

Maybe I'm Amazed an octave lower than McCartney sang it, then in slo-mo.

This is in rough shape right now but I thought I'd post it anyway to keep things moving. You'll notice, if you watch any other piano players on the net, that I combine vocal and piano in a nice mix. Most people playing this on Youtube will either do all piano or sing all kareoke. The guys at the duelling piano bars don't really do this song.

Now here's a version in slow motion. It's interesting and weird and probably useless but it's a toy on the computer program on the Mac I use, iMovie. Once I started watching and listening, I found it fairly absorbing of my attention for whatever reason.

At the end of the above videos, Youtube makes other related suggestions for you. I don't know if we're all getting the same ones-- probably not. But try to listen to a few other versions by others. I'll expand on this lesson in the forum or in in-person lessons at my studio in Phoenix. However, it's becoming increasingly clear to me that the internet must be integral to my lessons-- so I would actually require you to watch me above and follow my discussion before engaging in an actual lesson over this tune-- at whatever level you're at.

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