Education Automation Vacation
Scientific experiments indicate that effects of the Neurophone range from super learning, long term memory speed learning, relaxation, pain control and enhanced psychic abilities. The Neurophone's ability to transfer large amounts of information into long term memory may, alone, make the current model of education obsolete. We could advance beyond the problem of information overload and actually emphasize values, goals, strategy and a profound interdisciplinary approach to world problems. Positive solutions in an ever more complex world may themselves depend on the solution offered by the responsible use of the Neurophone.Patrick Flanagan's Neurophone

On the other hand, this still might be a Pat Flanagan con.
Help me determine the truth of this (neurophone) - Ars Technica OpenForum
Flanagan's shenanigans: hydride ion crackpot chemistry
tens units - Google Search
brainwave moderation binaural isochronic - Google Search
Quote from an article
I've been using Gamma binaurals for the past three days now, I must say they are amazing! Speed and creativity of thought is ramped up, perceptual acuity (ie detail and colour) is increased and I'm rather more eloquent and witty in conversation. It also destroys any remnants of fatigue due to sub-optimal sleep. I have a few more questions, if you will oblige
My week long-experiment with Binaural Beats @ 40-48hz. AMAZING Results - Page 3 - Brain Health - LONGECITY - Page 3
I’m intrigued by that too because I know in the early days you couldn’t transfer them to Mp3 and still get the effect.
Never Speak Ill of Binaural Beats in My House, Woman! - A Daring Adventure
gamma binaurals - YouTube