Friday, May 22

Rick Potvin & Paul Shaeffer are both from Thunder Bay Ontario!

The 1980's are finally over! The Dave Letterman show is over-- so is Paul's gig. The whole show-- the whole point-- of the show-- the whole psychology of the show-- is all 1980's. I came of age-- in my 20's in the 1980's which was a whole new coming of age that transcended my coming of age in the 1970's. And now... for Dave, Paul and me... the 1980's... are done. The 1980's lasted to 2015. Now we can move on-- toward the year 2000. I'm not at the year 2000 yet. I understand, from current events, how it "might come to pass" but really-- I'm still in 1993 I think. I'm sure I can get caught up but I'm pretty comfortable back here in 1993-- let's listen to Paul's Tonight Show them in 1988-- on Jay Leno of all places-- for a complete rendition of this now familiar tune-- much better than Jay's own tune by the way... and probably up there with Johnny Carson's theme. Here we go-- note the big role for keys in Paul's orchestra... and the Hammond B3-- a VERY retro piece of gear. That gear predates smart phones by a lifetime. If I had to choose a smart phone or a B3... I'd go for the latter still--