Sunday, December 27

"Just In Time" covered by Rick + more versions + analysis

I start this playlist-lesson with me playing "Just In Time" at Golden Buddha Restaurant to the background of noisy clashing dishes and restaurant patrons. The tap beer was on-the-house but I drank very moderately since anything overdone that way would negatively impact the accuracy of my fingers at the piano. Dorothy and I took turns-- this was one of my turns.

Please note the melody and chord line of "Just In Time" that uses the closest thing to a pitch-bend that a piano can produce-- a half-tone down and up again. It's quite effective in creating that pitch-bend effect and it's used multiple times through the song. After I play, I'll add other versions to the playlist for your edutainment.

I did indeed have a tip jar sitting to my right-- however my current tip jar is a little lower down on this page if you'd care to participate in that tradition for fun. I'm not yet able to do skype-based real-time piano requests yet but I imagine the future as going that direction. We'll see.