Thursday, December 10

Muslim attempt at creating music is questionable

You have to wonder if this qualifies as music. I guess it does-- sort of. You could call it really bad music, but to the fellows at the start of the following playlist, it's still music. Note the piano chords move as follows, over and over... i - iv - bVI - V7. They're starting with Fm, moving to Cm, then DbM and CM7 as the turnaround.

The singer is rapping more than singing with no discernable melody, although he seems fairly excited about his lyrics. Unfortunately, the there is no piano solo-- which I always look for.

A lot of Muslims say that their holy books indicate that music in general is evil so these two guys are sort of breaking the rules on that point. I wonder what one-time American pop rock star Cat Stevens is saying about all this now. He converted to Islam. Did he have to stop playing Peace Train? The following playlist will explore his latest songs too. Later in the playlist, I'll include video lectures explaining why Islam is finished-- that this latest round of attempted jihad is doomed and that Islamic terror is being faked.