Saturday, June 19

LEARN TO PLAY A FEW MEASURES OF FAMOUS BIG PIECES.  It always seemed useless to me to learn to play pieces that nobody knows. Instead, its more instructive and fun to play a few measures of pieces that are well known even if they're fairly complex.


[+] Well head area cracking up now-- June 21, 2010-- oil volcano increasing to 200,000 barrels a day-- disproves Peak Oil Theory-- and will destroy Atlantic Ocean.... IF it's not stopped with PNE (Powerful Nuclear Explosive). Obama Admin is finished. Suggestion for Piano Students-- Study nuclear explosives-- and heat-- as a tool. This event "changes everything". Obama promised "Change"-- well... in a way... that's exactly what's going to occur based on this event... except not in the way Obama had understood. The best source for TOP INTEL on this event is from Larouche.... study Larouche for true economics and science.

[+] Larouchepac news.

[+] There must be an exception made to the 1996 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty to use a PNE (peaceful neclear explosion) to stop the BP oil leak-- which could be bigger than even recently thought.

[+] "deepwater horizon" + "nuclear test ban treaty" on Google search.

[+]. Looking at Google blogs on the above search seems more useful than the main Google results. I found this--

Given that the best-case predictions of .....I believe Russia, knowing the consequences otherwise, would agree to a short period of lifting the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty as long as the data is openly shared with them, heck - they might even help us! ...

There would be no violation of the nuclear test ban treaty, since it covers only above ground tests. Underground tests ended voluntarily in 1992, mostly because they were too expensive, not because of some high minded ideal. ... 

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed the documents of ratification for a nuclear test ban treaty with Britain and the Soviet Union. [+

From the fifties to the seventies, the US conducted hundreds of underground tests, which involved drilling a six foot wide hole 1,000 feet deep, filling it with concrete, and then pushing a big red button. To my knowledge, radiation leaked to the surface in only one case, when a bomb was set off near an unmapped geological fault, frying two ranchers. The explosion would create a cavern deep under the surface which would be sealed by the 400 million degree temperatures these weapons create, containing the radiation. I remember walking around some old above ground sites, and the sand had been turned to colorful glass. There would be no violation of the nuclear test ban treaty, since it covers only above ground tests. Underground tests ended voluntarily in 1992, mostly because they were too expensive, not because of some high minded ideal. All of BP’s efforts to date have really been “Hail Mary’s” doomed to failure. The only real chance is to relieve the pressure by drilling several adjacent wells, and that will take months. If BP has discovered the mother of all fields with pressures so enormous, they can’t be controlled with modern technology, a possibility which some geologists admit, then more huge leaks will spring and the nuclear option will be the only one left. In the meantime, if a serious hurricane hits the region, a mathematical probability, then we will see the environmental equivalent of Chernobyl meets Katrina. In this scenario, you can kiss BP goodbye.

Conclusion-- Looks to me as if Larouche is missing the point about the ban on nuclear testing-- which only applies above ground. Still, it might apply to all tests even below ground and the bloggers are not correct. In any case, the details of how underground tests were done.. and the shape charge and size of the exposion needs to be looked at. This will have to be an effort agreed upon internationally. I haven't seek peak oil hoaxers being ridiculed yet-- nor have I seen other supporters of a US oil independence movement come out and point to this as an example of the size of deposits. Larouche isn't fully decided on whether oil is abiotic or not... the Russians don't think it is... there's something else going on. This accident might expose the entire oil industry as perpetrators of the biggest hoax since the Apollo moon landing-- that there is a limited supply of oil. This doesn't mean we're going to use more oil... because the power density isn't good enough anymore-- 

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