Sunday, September 2

How and why to listen to Beethoven Piano Sonatas...

In the world of piano playing, the Beethoven Sonatas have been marginalized in favor of Duelling Pianos rock with audience participation. The silly duelling piano philosophy is that the audience must act goofy to have fun. Why isn't intelligent and active listening considered audience participation? It IS, in fact. How to listen to a Beethoven sonata is to be aware of the adventure of what's occurring and how it makes you feel-- and of wondering what will happen next-- as if watching a movie or tv show. Why listen? I believe its therapeutic and at the same time-- raises the intellect in a certain area of the brain, making the mind bigger and more complex, ready for other tasks that are big and complex. So here's a 10 minute sonata, after which you can enter the discussion and possibly fine an easy piano version...

[Lesson Ideas, discussion, sheet music, critiques, youtubes and more] No log in needed. Some moderation. Family oriented.

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