Sunday, April 13

Rick does Here, there, everywhere - Beatles

I - iii - bIII - ii-11 - V7

I - ii7 - iii - IV - I - ii7

iii - IV - vii-7 - III7

vii7 - III7 - vi - ii - ii7 - V7


Transpose key center up b3

V - I - ii - ii - III7 - vi

ii - III7 - Transpose back to G - I - ii7

iii - IV - ii7

iii - IV - vii7 - III7

vii7 - III7 - vi - ii 0 ii7 - V7

Rick says-- the chord changes above seem technically proficient yet the Beatles have never been heard talking about HOW they put their chords together. Neither do many band members. It may very well be that many of them are not true songwriters but have ghost writers working for them-- in the background-- studio musicians who know how to put things like this together. All the technical work of classical music has been stripped out too. Where is the commentary by the great composers that explains how they put their material together? It helps tremendously to know the "grammar" of these "chord sentences" when playing the song. It's the onlyl way to go. It's what consistutes musical literacy. Without the roman numeral chords-- one is merely doing a parody of a song without knowing what he's doing. Sure you can get away with it-- but it's more satisfying and more complete when you know the changes.