Sunday, December 29

Mozart's "First Minuet" on keyboard ensemble.

If you're reading this in your email, click on the title above or the "posted by Rick to" line at the bottom to view the video. 

Observing-- has to be a crucial element in piano "lessons". Not enough of it is done in the standard teaching approach-- but with Youtube we have the ability to watch anything at all being played. Youtube watching is an important part of my piano teaching philosophy. In fact, I've mused that one could build a piano lesson program based exclusively on watching piano and piano with other instruments being played. There's a lot to be gained even without trying it yourself... and merely watching and listening. Let's look at Mozart's "First Minuet"-- composed *they say* when he was 6 years old. (My latest theory on Mozart is that he was a front for many ghost writers but I'll examine that further in other posts). Notice that this is first being played using the "piano+strings voice" on the portable keyboard. Consider the several other voices I'm using to make it more interesting. The Yamaha keyboard is the E433 and cost around $300.
