Check this out-- a version of ODE TO JOY, complete with English translation-- which I myself read here for the very first time. I didn't particularly like the male operetic vocals in this piece mainly because I thought they were overdone and furthemore they were in German. However, now that the translation is provided in English, I was able to enjoy it for the first time. And look at how this is presented with the color bars, translating sound into color through computerized "synesthesia"-- ! Fairly amazing and entertaining. It occurred to me to create a better lesson out of this song today because it's the final day of 2013-- which gives rise to spiritual reflection as that presented in the lyrics and conveyed through the majesty of this timeless piece. To boot, it was a favorite of my dad, Roy F. Potvin, who moved into the spirit realm n 1994.
Here's my dad around 1978-1980... about 14 years of life ahead of him... contemplating something as he completes carpentery work in the house he designed and had built. My mom took this photo. I like it because he seems to be looking ahead--- and upward-- as if in a spiritually contemplative moment. So few photos of my family-of-origin members are "genuine" like this-- most are "set-ups" with pasted on smiles and standard poses. That earlier age of photography was mostly like that. Now we have more opportunities to catch situations in their dynamic spontaneous mode what-with video, cell phone cams and the the like. He's not on the physical plane to wish his family a happy new year but for some strange reason, I felt compelled-- possibly by his spiritual-in-between-existent-self-- to post this this morning-- and as it turns out the song that inspired this occurred to me "out of nowhere" this morning. Amazing.

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