A vintage synthesize with a PIANO keyboard...
it pays to learn piano to operate one of these or the modern
digital form of it.
Today's modern piano combines regular historical piano "voices", which are digitized samples from real pianos, with many synthetic sounds that come in handy for creating all kinds of wild sounding music including the latest fad on Youtube-- meditation videos. The piano will not help you create the stunning visual effects. We'll leave that to your video software. However, the music end of things is where your piano lessons will come in ever-so-handy. It's not going to be good enough to simply choose an ethereal sounding cosmic "voice" or synthetic sound and hit just any key. Oh no. It's not simple. Harmony cuts across everything from Mozart, through heavy metal, bebop through to the "pineal gland activator frequency". (Does that really work?-- You be the judge). In any case-- Your piano lessons will come in handy when using the piano-key synth machine or the modern digital equivalent to create something like the following..