Sunday, December 1

The 12 Days of Christmas Chemtrails

As Christmas is near, we're leading our students and customers through Christmas carol piano songs again. The variety of approaches are infinite and it's fun to view the variety on Youtube. Here is an original version of The Twelve Days of Christmas-- chosen for its relevence to chemtrails. You'll see what I mean in a minute. (If you're reading this in your email, click on the title above or the "posted by" line at the bottom to view the video.)

What a great rendition of 12 days that was. Here's the chemtrail angle. For the first time in a long while, the chemtrail jets were out in full force over Phoenix, AZ on Sat. Nov. 30. I couldn't believe my eyes. They're worse than ever, unfurling north and south to cover the entire sky after jets fly by west to east. We've just come through a week of rainstorms and before that we had months of clear blue skies with no chemtrails. Many people don't believe chemtrails exist or ignore what's clearly being done in the skies and ignored by mainstream media. As Christmas approaches, I thought this parody would be appropriate. (If you're reading this in your email, click on the title above or the "posted by" line at the bottom to view the video. )

Finally, and even more appropriate, here's a new version of "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas". (If you're reading this in your email, click on the title above or the "posted by" line at the bottom to view the video. )
