Friday, June 20

This weekend's piano lesson is Andante in C Major by Mozart.

Here is this weekend's lesson piece-- Andante in C Major. You can get a head start on your lesson-- or you can follow along from anywhere you are. We'll look at the chord changes in Roman Numerals,  and find alternative "voices" to use on your keyboard or piano ensemble-- to use instead of straight piano. We might even get to the point of improvising on Mozart's creation with an extended section in the same mood and style. The LITERACY of the chord progressions is also to be pointed out. The chord sequences have to "make sense" from a music grammar point of view. And last but not least, why is this piece interesting? Does it make you "feel more organized" in your thinking? Why are pop artists who study classical music writing better pop tunes? Why are there very few pop tunes written in any genre over the past 20 years that have a timeless quality to them? Go back to the pop-music of Mozart and you'll begin to find out.

MOZART LESSON - Andante in C Major