Thursday, August 26

Broadway play CD and lesson book-- My Fair Lady

This week, we'll be looking at the 1963 broadway play My Fair Lady based on Pygmalion by that playright George Bernard Shaw... for which there is a theatre in Niagara-on-the-Lake where I attended a few plays travelling to and from on bicycle in my teens, from Niagara Falls. Anyway, enough about me. On with the show...I've put together my own Youtube playlist-- learning a few painful programming lessons along the way... and I can now present you with the lesson plan...

1. Listen to the playlist.
2. Get my booklet.
3. Learn the songs by singing and listening.
4. Learn to play them.
5. Write your own musical play and have it performed by a cast of actors in the theatre of your choice. Grade will be assigned based on New York Times reviews. Just kidding. But... maybe it's not such a bad idea anyway. What do you think?

Here's the playlist.. get started.. and have fun.


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