Monday, March 14

We played Hibachi Room last night but no video

The party room we played is in the section on the right.
We were in such a tight spot last night that I had no room to position my video camera. Now that I think back, I guess I could have just sat it on the table behind me and picked up the sound for 90 minutes of the 3 hour gig. We used the Casio alone-- with either piano, piano & bass & percussion or just straight piano or with ensemble.

The lesson we learned is that the routine songs of the duelling piano cult are critically important now so we'll have to learn more of those. It's almost as if every single piano bar in the world now plays the same 100 songs all the time, no matter what. There is no chance to play material that is unique to our own tastes anymore. Duelling piano bars have completely destroyed piano bars in this way. The group we had last night sang along and applauded ONLY the duelling piano bar songs... selected from the top 100. Earlier in the evening, Dorothy played to a largely Hispanic group, including some of their favorites which widened out our repertoire last night at least. We also had Chinese and played some Chinese tunes. The owner sang along and was applauded for that. The biggest group was mixed Asian and white from California who sang along to our tunes.

In lieu of our own recording-- which is a difficult effort for me given my older equipment (big, heavy, low battery life, short recording time, etc.)-- I'll embed the following video that features a piano player with a beat box similar to what we used and playing some tunes we used.

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