Thursday, September 11

1 1/2 hr talk on Chopin and piano history is a piano lesson too.

I think this is worthwhile as a piano lesson-- just sit and watch and listen for 1:20 hr. I'd like you to keep the idea of tuning in mind as you watch because of all the finer points about piano construction and response discussed, I don't think tuning-- a critical feature especially when you consider A=440 vs. 432-- is talked about. This is astonishing. Is it a coverup? Are all these minutae about piano physics discussed with the intent of leaving out the physics of true resonance along with the science of sand-plate patterns? It's as if the single most important element of piano music physics has been intentionally deleted-- kept secret. And yet these guys sound so educated and articulate. They're conning you! Sure, a lot of what they talk about is true but the MOST important fact is DELETED! Why? Because the physics of sound can move giant stones and communicate with angels. THAT is top secret. They push all the smaller points to evade the single most critical point. Check it out.