Sunday, January 4

Adult Elementary Piano Concepts Playlist - for Chris - Chords, Keys and More

Chris's assignment-- watch 3 hours of video about basic piano concepts. (If you're not Chris, but happen across this playlist and want to understand theory of piano in an easy fun way, you watch it too.  Youtube and the Net are changing education. We all have to indulge in this new system just because it's so great... and it likely works better than anything the past). You don't have to watch the entire playlist in one sitting-- that's not recommended. Watch a bit at time-- up to an hour. You can even keep a screen near your piano or keyboard-- via desktop or mobile-- and stop the video where you want to try the exercises given yourself. I chose these videos while random sampling them for a student so you get the benefit of my editing since there is more than enough bad material out there that you could easily waste your time wondering what to watch. I'm steering you all and Chris in the right direction with the following. If you take paid lessons from me, we'll reinforce these concepts and work with them in the studio which is even more powerful.