Tuesday, May 19

55 Hz, about A0 on the piano (lowest note), activates "kundalini", they say.

You can now try this at home. Listen to the following under headphones. There are thousands of these frequency recordings on youtube but I don't know if any of them are any good. I've ordered recordings that do work to some extent from and Kelly Howell. I've used certain meditative CD's for several years now to what I think is probably a useful effect. A few of the recordings I've made from the freebies online work to put me into a power nap when I need one in the middle of the day. The evidence says there's something to it-- and I can pretty much verify that something is going on. I can't get the lucid dream recordings to work, however. And none of them seems to have really had a super dramatic effect on life overall. I'll keep exploring.