Wednesday, May 6

I still don't get why they bash their guitars at the end.

I think I'll do a smooth bosa nova version of My Generation and change the lyrics a bit because these guys just seem like they're "gone", you know. I was watching Idol tonight and noted someone tried to do this song so looked up the original. Poor Tommy Smothers of Smothers Brothers having to host this. He didn't get it either. Costumes and bass playing was good. Song has potential. But I don't get the performance. And the attitudes of Daltry and the rest seem smug, sanctimonious, disrespectful and just downright crude-- which has zero resonance decades later. Lowlifes are always lowlifes, it turns out-- even decades later. Amazing.

Roger Dalry with puckered lower lip smirking-- with a really bad attitude.

The drummer says something mean to Tommy Smothers, the HOST of the show he is on!

Stage hand makes a funny noise when Tommy Smothers says he "digs" The Who--You can see the shocked look of Tommy as the sound occurs and the GUFFAW'ed smirk of Roger Daltry...