Thursday, November 14

Solar system traffic set to Moonlight Sonata.

Nice, eh? "Awesome!" I'll be toying with Moonlight Sonata over the next few days. We'll look at chord change and various voices on the digital pianos and keyboards that can be used to create "new" versions of Moonlight Sonata based on the Roman Numeral chord changes.Discussion thread for this post-- to which you're invited to post! No log in- light & reasonable editing.... Click: MOONLIGHT SONATA

More great new topics for our piano/keyboard/organ students this morning include updates as follows:

For LOWERY Organ owners--- these videos by a British Lowery retailer are excellent.
LOWERY ORGAN LESSONS - Various topics starting with Prestige Organ Sounds.

For the whole family-- especially with a piano or keyboard in the house-- PIANO COMEDY with Youtube uploads of Victor Borge. I still think all these available clips of concerts are astounding. Who takes the time and effort to upload them? Yet there they are! Related Youtube suggestions after my selected one will keep you laughing for hours.


Amazingly, complete movies are now viewable on Youtube. For DOROTHY'S STUDENTS currently in Book 11, we recommend the viewing of the complete MUSICAL movie-- "The Sound of Music". 

For the more esoteric minded piano student, I would direct your attention to my investigation into the 432 Hz frequency that is being promoted as the better tuning for A-- as opposed to the world wide adopted 440 Hz. The current thread I'm developing is a chaotic but you might be stimulated to think in this direction by following my lead. Post your own thoughts! No log in required. 

For CHILDREN 5 to 8--> Know these nursery rhyme songs well enough that you can play them on your keyboard. It helps to listen to these Youtubes. Know your notes!

For VIDEOGAME FANS - Watch this 10 year old play the Super Mario Theme on piano.

Finally, check the list of latest posts below for topics I've looked at recently. There's something for everyone interested in music but most especially piano, organ and keyboard students. Below that, you'll see an alphabetical index worth exploring with fuller subject lines than a normal index.