Sunday, November 1

3D Binaural recording experiment-- [USE HEADPHONES] Dorothy "Kansas City", Rick "Pianoman"

On the first video, I didn't get the separation I wanted in this experiment using 2 mics pointing in opposite directions about a head width apart. Still, it's the first time I've used 2 mics in awhile. Further, we're now going to use the Casio with split keyboard in near future shows. Dorothy has split the piano keyboard so bass is on the left hand. I set the video for 3d but it didn't come out because I recorded using only one lens. I'm not sure how to do 3D video yet. The red/green 3d overlay gives our experiment an experimental look. PLEASE BE SURE TO USE HEADPHONES TO GET THE BINAURAL EFFECT I'VE TRIED TO CREATE. The second video in this playlist is a short sample of my playing using a slightly updated styrofoam head with plastic bottle "ears". I think the sound is better indeed but it's nowhere near the professional binaural effect. Still, it's a start.