Monday, November 2

[HEADPHONES REQ'd] Train crossing by Jeff Anderson

As I continue to explore the world of 3D binaural, a technology that was available over 100 years ago, I find myself becoming more conscious of the sound around me in real-space. It's quite pronounced-- to the degree that I thought it would be a good idea to mention it here in this blog. I teach piano lessons and one of the most difficult things to get students to understand is the value, musically speaking, of different tones and voices, and different harmonies. Sometimes it seems I'm teaching brick walls because students don't respond to sounds the way I think they ought to-- if they're going to learn to play music that is. It's beginning to appear to me that, through the use of binaural 3D audio recordings, I might perhaps be able to "raise the awareness" of students-- to "sound" and "sound combinations". After all, music is simply organized patterns of sound, isn't it? Enough on that-- listen to Jeff's train. Wear headphones. Don't cross the tracks!