Thursday, November 26

Determine the chords & piano notes in the soundtrack for this documentary.

Note the piano chords & melody in the background of this documentary and duplicate them on your keyboard or piano. How do you think the music in the background is better than any old sound effects or of nothing at all? Would you say that the chords and melody create mystery? I'll search for other relevent documentaries about the mystery of water droplets and water memory and create a playlist of these documentaries so that we can compare the various soundtracks by various producers on this topic. I'll replicate the chords and notes and create a soundtrack by itself that you can replicate on your piano or keyboard. Why not consider making your own documentary and soundtrack. Far too many youtube video's these days have poor soundtracks consisting of noisy music that distracts from the message or that doesn't suit the message. Custome soundtracks that match the topic are best.