Sunday, January 10

Ghostbusters sheet music from

Here's an additional version of GhostBusters from sheet music put out by [Sheet Music Direct] played by me. It's an easy-piano version in the key of C that I'll use to teach in upcoming lessons out of our home studio and perhaps the Guitar Center studio for the students who like it and need a suggestion for a fun song. The tricky part of playing this are the synchopated 16th notes of course which puts it at the same level as anything by Bach at about a Grade V Toronto Conservatory level. My version is followed up by my earlier lead-sheet version then by original recordings and recordings by others to round out a complete playlist lesson.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Good company. Maybe I can call them on my anniversary. Need to know their repertuar. Maybe they can play something from . It would be nice.