Friday, December 25

Happy New Year 2016 Playlist by Rick Potvin

In the previous entry, I reviewed the playlist I created for New Years 2015. A good part of that was the review of the ball dropping in New York each and every year from 1975 onward through to 2011.  I noted they played Auld Lang Sang most years on the TV broadcasts from Times Square. Increasing amounts of flashy light ads began to obscure the ball's bottom position. It's almost impossible to get the effect we used to have years ago-- now-- with all the ads. 

I think I'll start this year's playlist with a little different approach-- with an emphasis on music that accompanies New Years-- music that I recognize and like. Dorothy and me will be playing a gig New Year's Eve this year so I might be able to include scenes from that party later. I'm never quite sure which direction a playlist will go once started since Youtube's suggestions to me are interesting and often yank me off course. Let's see where this one goes!.... Happy New Year 2016!!!